I'm delighted to have one of my good author friends with us today,
Noelle Marchand. Noelle's love of literature began as a child when she would spend hours reading beneath the covers long after she was supposed to be asleep. Over the years, God began prompting her to write. Eventually, those stories became like "fire shut up in her bones" leading her to complete her first novel at fifteen. Now, at the age of twenty-three, that fire of inspiration continues to burn.
Noelle is a Houston-native who graduated from Houston Baptist University in May 2012. She received bachelors degree in Mass Communication with a focus in journalism and Speech Communication.
The Runaway Bride is her second published novel. (I reviewed it both on
Making Home Work and on
Amazon.) She will be giving a copy away to one lucky winner, so be sure to leave a comment below with your email address to be entered in the drawing.
I've put together a new list of interview questions that I'm very excited about for today. We'll be looking at things from a daughter's perspective and learning about the impact Noelle's parents had on her.
What decade were you born in, and what era do you remember growing up in?
I was born in 1988, narrowly avoiding any memories of that decade. I guess I’m a millennial girl. I remember ringing in the new millennium with my family for the first minute or so then sitting down to wait for the world to grind to a halt. Thankfully, the Y2K scare was only that and we could drain the water from the bath tubs and giveaway some of our canned goods without fear.
Ah yes, I remember those stockpiles of canned goods. So glad we never ended up needing them! Where were you born?
I was born and raised in Houston, Texas—the land of skyscrapers and cowboys.
Hmmm... That's a fun combination to imagine. In fact, I think I'm getting the idea for another novel. :-) Share one of your favorite childhood memories.
When I was really young my Dad worked at home. Since I am the youngest, he would take me with him to drive my mom to work after my older siblings went to school. Afterward he’d take me to the park to feed the ducks and ride the miniature train, eat breakfast at a restaurant, or drive home and let me sit on his tummy to watch Barney. I loved having that special one-on-one time with my dad.
That sound so special. I'm really happy you were able to forge such a tight bond with him. Does your family take part in any traditions that you plan to continue in your own home one day?
Every year my sister and I take my mom to see a performance of the Houston Ballet for Mother’s Day. We all really enjoy it. It would be nice to do the same with my daughter(s) one day…assuming I have some. Lol.
That sounds special as well. I certainly hope you're able to include your own daughter a few years from now. What do you enjoy most about your parents?
They are hilarious! My mom has a sly sense of humor while my dad’s is very in your face but they are both funny. They passed that trait along to all three of their kids. If you put all of us together in a room, there is bound an overabundance of jokes, hijinks, witticism, physical comedy and a lot of laughter.
After reading two of your novels, I can totally see that sense of humor in you! ***Warning to readers, be prepared to laugh if you pick up a copy of The Runaway Bride*** What’s the best life lesson your parents have taught you?
I can sum it up in two small words—have faith. Have faith in God. Have faith that His word is true, active, and powerful. Have faith that nothing is impossible for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. Have faith that you can achieve every dream He places in your heart.
Oh Noelle! What a precious lesson to learn from your parents. You sound like you were really blessed with with an amazing mother and father. Now for one of the fun questions: What single chore did you hate more than any others? Why?
Folding. I hate folding. It feels like such a waste of time. I’m going to have to unfold the clothes to wear them soon anyway. I’d rather hang than fold. That’s all I’m saying.
You know, that's why I love my ereader. I download a book and put it on text-to-speech so that I can listen while I fold laundry. But unlike you, I'd rather fold than hang. How do you think your upbringing and the way your parents raised you prepared you to be a writer?
They never limited my creativity. They encouraged me to use my talents and didn’t force me to live my life in the box of their expectations. They also encouraged me to participate in and appreciate the Arts. I was constantly going to museums, listening to or singing a variety of musical genres, watching classic movies, taking dance lessons and checking out stacks of books at the library.
And now your interest in books and creativity has morphed into you being an author. How cool is that! Thanks for being with us today, Noelle.
The giveaway will end on midnight on Saturday, July 28. To enter, leave a comment and email
address below. Now here's a little more about The Runaway Bride:
The only husband Lorelei Wilkins ever wanted was Sean O'Brien, but she's wasted too much time waiting for him to love her back. When another man proposes, she accepts—until she stands at the altar…and realizes she can't marry without love. Bolting out of town toward a fresh start, she never suspected her parents would send Sheriff O'Brien to bring her home!
After an innocent mistake leaves Lorelei and her reluctant rescuer with compromised reputations, marriage is their only option. But first they must triumph over suspicious locals, shady characters, an inconvenient groom and the bride's own stubborn heart. Will it take putting their lives on the line for Sean and Lorelei to realize that only love can conquer all?