Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pizza Fest--What's the Weirdest Pizza You've Ever Eaten?

Have any of you tried an unusual pizza lately? Maybe it's just me, but when I think of pizza, it usually involves a thick crust, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and pepperoni. I mean, can a pizza be a pizza without tomato sauce and pepperoni?

Evidently, it can.

Our local playgroup took a trip to see a children's play earlier this week, and we also scheduled a tour of Papa Murphy's Pizzeria. Did you know Papa Murphy's has a Herb Chicken Mediterranean Pizza? This pizza is really more like a flat bread than a pizza. It has olive oil and salt instead of sauce, then mozzarella cheese, grilled chicken, baby spinach leaves, and sun-dried tomatoes.

It's delicious! More than delicious, really. I couldn't believe how good it tasted. Plus I was feeding my kids spinach and tomatoes. What mom doesn't love that? We'll definitely be ordering more of those the next time we find ourselves near a Papa Murphy's. (Sadly, the closest Papa Murphy's is over an hour away). But in the meantime, I'm going to try out a homemade version. I even have it in my mind to try and make our own sun-dried tomatoes from our garden this year.

So now I'm curious about you. Share either the best pizza you've ever eaten, or the weirdest. I'm anxious to see what kind of answers everyone comes up with.


  1. Um, I'll go for the weirdest--and I bet I win! (I'm competitive like that)

    In China, there was a group of 3 Korean girls that hated Chinese food, so they took me and a couple friends to the ONLY place that had good Korean food. And my favorite thing was the "pizza" - I called it Korean pizza and I really can't tell you exactly what all was on it (because it was over a decade ago and I didn't even recognize everything then) but it was a white pasty dough and the main ingredient was Octopus tentacles.

    I had to go to my pinterest boards and find the pizza recipe that is "weird" that I wanted to try: White Chicken Pizza with Caramelized Onions

    1. Octopus tentacles on pizza??? Yep, Melissa, you'll probably win the weirdest pizza contest. I've had pizza in Uruguay, South America and in Canada before. And I've come to the conclusion that pizza outside the U.S. isn't really pizza (at least not by my American standards.) Pizza in foreign countries just isn't the same.

      Okay, does anyone else have a fun pizza experience to share?

  2. While in South America I had pizza with very little sauce topped with hard boiled eggs. I really enjoyed it but can't imagine pizza with octopus.

    I have always liked the pizzas at California Pizza Kitchen.


    1. It's never even occurred to me to try hard boiled eggs on a pizza, before. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I'm originally from upstate NY, and the best pizza is called tomato pie. It doesn't have to be heated, and is simply a thick pizza crust covered with tomato sauce and grated romano cheese.

    Upstate NY is a very "Italian" part of the country. Tomato pie is oftentimes sold at checkout counters at grocery stores and drugstores, too.

    1. Tomato pie? I've never had it or heard of it. I'm not sure I'd like it unheated, but it sound interesting . . . not as bad as octopus at least.
